Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Yogasth Kuru KArmani


Coordination of mind and body is necessary for the desired success in life for every individual. It’s a well established fact that every action has a reaction. Each and every particle in this universe is affected by each other; every big or small action leaves an effect in the universe. Bhagavad Geeta describes the doctrine of performing action without bothering about the consequences. Then the question arises how is it possible to act if you don’t have an aim to achieve something. Further to this, is it possible even to think of an action if there is no goal to achieve? Actually there is a very systematic process of having any thing accomplished in our life. In this system there is a Rishi, there is a Devata and there is Chhandas. The whole system is comprises of Rishi-Devata-Chhandas where Rishi is the one who perform action, Devata is the process of doing and Chhandas is the object, the out come of the action. It is also described in the terms of Knower, the process of knowing and known where known is the object of process of knowing and knower is the performer of action and it knows the process as well as the known i.e. the object. The process doesn’t complete in the absence of any one of it. So what is the truth behind the doctrine of acting without bothering about the outcome? Actually it is all about the matter of bothering, confusion and anxiety etc which emerges as the result of lack of orderliness in the consciousness and the lack of coordination between the mind and body. When we talk about the action we talk about the physical action that is performed by the body but is it the whole truth? Absolutely not, there is a thought behind every action so we need to go to the source of the thought. Actually thought is the product of energy and impulse; when an impulse combines with the energy it give rise to a thought and a thought will be as much powerful as much energy combined with the impulse. So if a thought is powerful the action will be profound and result will be as per the desire and there will be no scope for worry, anxiety and confusion etc. So what we need is to bring orderliness in the consciousness and establish a perfect coordination between mind and body.       
                                Yogastha kuru karmani sangang tyaktva Dhananjaya 
Sidhyasidhyoh samo bhutva samatvang yoga uchyatein
2/48 Bhagwad Gita
Arjun! Establish yourself in yoga, and perform the action what you must do;
 Get detached, be indifferent to failure and success, and this stability is yoga.
Lord Krishna says to Arjun “Yogastha Kuru Karmani” means establish yourself in Yoga and perform action as per your Dharma (Yogastha: = establisf in yoga, Kuru = perform, karmaani = duties or action).
Focused on action means focused on the present. Establishing in Yoga means establishing in present thus you cannot be in the past or in the future, and the past regrets and future anxieties cannot make you suffer. Once you are settled down in the present moment, all your decisions will be based on pure consciousness.
Lord Krishna describes “do your best and leave the rest”. One should be focused on actions while being indifferent to its results.  He compared this to the lotus leaves where a drop of water gives the impression of a pearl but once the drop falls off, the leaf is completely dry as if nothing was there.
The so called de-attached attachment is the philosophy, and the mantra to do it is “Yogastha Kuru Karmani”. Yoga is defined as the union of mind and body, means the perfect coordination between mind and body. Practice of Yogasana is like massaging every cell in our body and making it free from all possible impurity and practicing of meditation is like bringing up the absolute orderliness in the mind and taking it to the state of pure consciousness. Once this state of being Yogastha is attained by you “Brahma Bhavati Sarathi” (Brahma becomes your Charioteer) and therefore nothing remain unachievable. So instead of bothering about the out come it is better to establish yourself in Yoga.
Sunil Sinha